Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Philosophy and Me

For most people an experience only happens once in a life time, but it is with mine that I have learned to discover a step closer to the connections in between people and objects. Growing up I noticed something odd about myself that not many other kids did. I had to straighten things out and put together things equally. I was later diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which I still have today. Along with that I was raised with a very religious family with very sure answers which lead my sister and I to questioning. It is from my mind, family and surrounding that I have learned to evaluate things just a step further.

Philosophy has always been a very interesting topic for me and just with the name people can understand what to expect. "Love of Wisdom" is clearly demonstrated by the greatest philosophers ever known. Without questioning one could never be given answers and it is for that reason that I believe that teachers are always telling us to question. Since in my mind if I touch one object I get the germs of another person the chain keeps going in my head. I touched it so someone else will and then it will spread apart to animals plants and so on. When does it ever stop though and although there might be an answer it might not be good enough for me or another person.

Questioning was the reason my sister stopped believing in Catholicism. If there was ever really God how was he created and what is he made up of? If there is actually a heaven at what point can we see it and is it in space or beyond it or are we already there? There are endless possibilities of answers.These questions have always been questions of mine too but I try to get an answer and relate it to that of God. Obviously not everyone will agree with me but that is the sole purpose of philosophy, to teach yourself and others.

Overall philosophy is a great way to interact with others for their thoughts and opinions. Along the way I am excited to teach myself new things and keep my mind open for other ideas that are not my own. Hopefully I am able to teach others as well.


  1. I like to see learning some times as a spiral-shape (think of like a coil, or a slinky). We seem to cycle back on our beliefs and ideas sometimes that many people think is circular. But I don't. I think every time our beliefs and ideas are challenged, and we engage perspectives openly and sincerely, that our return back to those same beliefs is enhanced and higher than where we started :)

  2. I think the topic of questioning is very interesting. A lot of times people usually follow suite with everything around them and do things because that is how they were done in the past. But when you mentioned your sister not believing in Catholicism because she simply questioned certain beliefs, it gives me hope that I maybe could start questioning certain concepts around me instead of just going with the flow like everyone else. Although it seems simple I feel like it could be one of the hardest challenges.
